We will be closing early on Thursday 19th September 2024 & we will re-open on Friday 20th September 2024 at 08:00am. To avoid delays in getting your medicine, please order prescriptions in plenty of time. You can order repeat prescriptions through the NHS APP. If you need medical assistance during this time, please ring NHS111 or if you are in an emergency please ring 999. Thank you.
Greenbank Medical Practice
Welcome to our practice
Targeted Lung Health Check Programme
From mid-July, the NHS will soon be offering free lung health checks to current and former cigarette and shisha smokers aged 55-74 who are registered with a GP in parts of #Oldham.
The checks are quick, free and they could ultimately save your life by finding lung cancer at an early stage before you may have symptoms.
Most visitors to the Lung Health Checks will get reassurance that everything is OK.
People who are invited for a lung health check will firstly talk to specialist nurse where they will answer some health and lifestyle questions which will determine whether they are ‘high’ or ‘low’ risk. If you are deemed high risk, you will then be offered a low-dose computed tomography (CT) scan of your lungs for further investigation on the same day on board the truck and be enrolled into the programme.
The free checks are available to people aged 55-74 who are past and current smokers registered at the practice.
Look out for an invite in the post or via text message.
If you have already received your invitation but missed your appointment, please contact the bookings team on 0161 529 0900.
For more information, please visit: mft.nhs.uk/lunghealthcheck